...mercy shall surround him!
Some years ago, I was suffering from a setback from a chronic health issue. This particular Saturday morning, I felt just awful. I wanted to crawl back in bed for the day. The trouble was, I needed to take our young daughter to her weekly county horse program, something you simply could not miss. It ran from very early in the morning for half the day. Due to the nature of the program, the parent stayed the whole time, in the barn and out, winter or summer.
This day, my husband could not take her because he had to work. And, it was winter, a freezing cold day, something that could challenge the heartiest of souls in the mostly outdoor horse classes.
I could hardly face the day, yet I had no choice. So in my Bible and prayer time that morning, I really cried out to the Lord. Help! How can I do this?
As I read, a verse just leaped off the page into my heart:
“But he who trusts in the Lord, mercy shall surround him.” ~ Ps. 32:10 NKJV
Mercy! That’s what I needed, big-time. The promise was it would surround me. I could see myself wrapped in a blanket of mercy, the Lord enabling me, helping me feel better, giving me strength. Getting me through this challenging day.
The condition, though, was trust. Did I trust Him to do this? Would He actually come through for me? I prayed and said, “Yes, Lord, I choose to trust You according to this promise. You know my situation and I need Your help. I am going to go out and meet the day, expecting that somehow Your mercy will carry me through. Thank You, in Jesus’ Name, amen.” I felt an expectant faith rise in my heart as I prayed, and sensed God’s reassuring presence.
We got to the arena and I settled on the freezing bleacher in the cold winter sunshine. I was soon absorbed in watching my daughter’s class go through their drill practice, and before I knew it, a few hours had passed.
Suddenly, I realized that my body felt just fine; none of the distracting symptoms and weakness were there. He had done it! That cocoon of mercy had simply cancelled the troubles. I enjoyed the whole day with strength, and marvelled for long afterward at the little miracle I had received. It gave me a new confidence in the Lord and a strong lesson for my walk with Him.
The Lord is so aware of every detail of our lives and is able to provide answers for them all. In case we question that, the Word is filled with promises specific to every need. I encourage you (and myself again!) to step out in faith today for whatever you are dealing with, trusting His Word. He delights in your confidence in Him, and will surround you--in your specific situation--with His loving mercy.
Bible study: Psalm 32:10, Psalm 52:8-9, 2 Corinthians 1:3, Hebrews 4:16
Photo by Dunys Nevozhai on Unsplash